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"Engaging Youth: How the 4H Program Teaches Kids to Tie Flies"


Rob Tunney demonstrates fly tying techniques

Our partnership with Saginaw County 4H has resulted in another excellent experience for the youth of Saginaw County.  With the help of six members of M-NHCTU, Rob Tunney and Stacie Gath were able to teach 13 youth a bit about entomology as well as how to tie the flies we use to imitate the bugs at their different life cycles over the four week course.  

Rob structured the class so each week the students learned more advanced techniques as well as what the insects looked like as they developed from larva to spinners.  The adults were able to get in on the fun and tie along with the kids.  Thank you goes out to Rob for organizing the class, supplying the materials, and getting the volunteers needed.

Held at the Saginaw Field and Stream Club, this class continues the good work our partnership with 4H allows us to do.  Events like Fishing Academy, End of Year Celebrations, and the Youth Family Fishing Night would not be possible without Stacie and her support.

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