“Take care of the fish and the fishing will take care of itself.” –Art Neumann
The Mershon-Neumann Heritage Chapter feels this is as true today as it was when Art said it years ago. And taking care of the fish is one of our top priorities. We are searching for projects and activities to improve the health and habitats of the cold water resources; particularly for our home river, the Rifle River.
Educating new anglers about conservation, fishing ethics, and techniques is a close second. Our chapter hosts several events geared toward youth and adults alike; trying to get people out on the water. People who love to fish are the people most committed to keeping the environment healthy.
It's not all work- we have social opportunities as well. Join for a dinner or film fest if you want to meet like minded people in our community. Annual fundraising events are not all about raising money- we have a great time too!
Encompassing Bay, Saginaw, Huron, Sanilac, Tuscola, and Arenac, as well as parts of the neighboring counties, our chapter is large. This means we have plenty of opportunities to engage with people who feel as we do- because we love to fish we have a responsibility to protect where the fish live. We hope you find something to interest and encourage you to join us.