RRRC Project Log
The Rifle River Restoration Committee (RRRC) held the annual cleanup on Saturday, September 21, 2019. This year several crews split up the river into sections and picked up trash in and along the Rifle River from near the head waters, all the way down to Sterling, MI.
Crews met at River View Campground & Canoe Livery and cleaned from Greenwood Road, down to Sterling, MI. Boy Scout troop 366 from Oxford, MI cleaned the stretch from (Maple Ridge Road) Moffatt Bridge down to River View and 2 volunteers cleaned from Greenwood Road to Maple Ridge Road.
Another crew met at Troll Landing Campground & Canoe Livery and cleaned from State Road down to Troll Landing (South of M55)
A 3rd crew of volunteers met and cleaned a section of the river from the head waters, down to State Road.
Our initial date in June 2019 had to be postponed due to high waters and bad weather.
Rifle River Aerial Survey Map
This Google map allows user to view aerial footage of the Rifle River by selecting the location and then the link to the footage. A helpful tool for reviewing the river's many twists and turns.
The map was created as a printed pamphlet by the RRRC and is available at various locations within the Rifle River Watershed. The guide shows the locations of public access points along the Rifle River. The sites are numbered from 1-16 starting up-river and working down.
The water-trail map effort was spear-headed by Jim Hergott, RRRC Treasurer and Executive Director of Saginaw Bay RC&D (Resource, Conservation and Development).
The RRRC looks for areas along the Rifle River that are suffering from erosion and will help to restore the riverbank to reduce sediments in the river, which improve water quality in the river. We're always looking for property owners along the river interested in partnering with us to do restoration project(s) in the future.