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Proposed Steelhead Harvest Restrictions

The Michigan DNR Natural Resources Commission (NRC) is considering possible restrictions to steelhead daily harvest limits for specific segments of rivers ( One fish per day bag limits, year-round on specific river segments constitutes the bulk of the proposed changes, but a different bag limit for wild versus stocked fish for the Pere Marquette River is also proposed.

Dr. Bryon Burroughs, executive director of Michigan TU, has written an expansive paper outlining Trout Unlimited’s position on this issue. (

If you are interested in steelhead and this topic, we urge you to:

1.) read the above document to learn all the background information.

2.) consider either emailing your opinions to the NRC at, or consider testifying in person at their next meeting on November 9, 2023.

If you choose to voice your opinion by email, it will have greatest effect if submitted as soon as possible prior to the November 9th meeting ( Whatever your opinion is, general or specific, this week is your best chance to have those opinions considered.

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