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Data Collection on the Rifle River Watershed Has Begun


It's not too late for you to be a part of it!

Our chapter has been asked to help collect data to help form a clear idea of the entire Rifle River Watershed's strengths and weaknesses. This ambitious project is very labor intensive; DNR staff go into the river and it's tributaries to do a fish count. Once that is completed the DNR sends us the GPS coordinates so our members can go back to the same section to do a habitat and macroinverbrate survey.

A minimum of two people and approximately two hours per 500 foot section is required. Our chapter has the equipement as well as people trained to work with you- all we need is your help. The data will be collected during July and August.

So many times we hear "we want to help, but there's no projects," or, "TU is supposed to be about conservation; when can we actually do something to make the waterways better?" This is your chance.

For more information, refer to the protocols and data sheets under the "Publications" tab on this page, or email us at

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